incentive plan - translation to russian
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incentive plan - translation to russian

Incentive compatible; Incentive Compatibility; Incentive-compatible

incentive plan      

нефтегазовая промышленность

система вознаграждений (за обеспечение качества и надёжности)

incentive plan      
система поощрительных вознаграждений
plot plan         
  • [[Scottish Parliament Building]] site plan
  • A plot plan
Plot plan; Site planning; Site Plan
(геодезический) план участка


Subject Says It All (Reference: telecommunication-slang)


Incentive compatibility

A mechanism is called incentive-compatible (IC) if every participant can achieve the best outcome to themselves just by acting according to their true preferences.: 225 

There are several different degrees of incentive-compatibility:

  • The stronger degree is dominant-strategy incentive-compatibility (DSIC).: 415  It means that truth-telling is a weakly-dominant strategy, i.e. you fare best or at least not worse by being truthful, regardless of what the others do. In a DSIC mechanism, strategic considerations cannot help any agent achieve better outcomes than the truth; hence, such mechanisms are also called strategyproof: 244, 752  or truthful.: 415  (See Strategyproofness)
  • A weaker degree is Bayesian-Nash incentive-compatibility (BNIC).: 416  It means that there is a Bayesian Nash equilibrium in which all participants reveal their true preferences. I.e, if all the others act truthfully, then it is also best or at least not worse for you to be truthful.: 234 

Every DSIC mechanism is also BNIC, but a BNIC mechanism may exist even if no DSIC mechanism exists.

Typical examples of DSIC mechanisms are majority voting between two alternatives, and second-price auction.

Typical examples of a mechanisms that are not DSIC are plurality voting between three or more alternatives and first-price auction.

Pronunciation examples for incentive plan
1. your incentive plan is to ask a question.
Your Role in Fighting Cybercrime _ Theresa Payton _ Talks at Google
2. So that's your incentive plan for asking me a question.
Your Role in Fighting Cybercrime _ Theresa Payton _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of incentive plan
1. Papua New Guinea is leading the group of tropical–forest nations backing a financial incentive plan.
2. The key to Euromoney, though, is its incentive plan for employees below board level.
3. The state incentive plan aimed at encouraging the use of PV technology for private consumption will come into effect today.
4. "The new long–term incentive plan provides a company focus for the top 1,000 management and builds on our sales led turnaround," a company spokeswoman said.
5. Advertisement The problems include how NIS 111 million in stock options were approved for executives, as well as NIS 7.5 million in an incentive plan for top executives.